"Once All - The Best of 35 Years"

The anniversary tour of "Mensch Markus" - Markus Maria Profitlich

Comedy, cabaret, entertainment... Markus Maria Profitlich does not limit himself to one of these genres. He combines them wittily in the now rare art of comedy. On his big anniversary tour, the three-star chef of entertainment serves up the best that his gag kitchen has conjured up in the last 35 years with a fine tongue and using his whole body. From soft tones reminiscent of the delicacy of a soufflé, to the brute force of a double slaughter platter, there is everything that the heart of a comedy gourmet desires. He is supported alternately by his side chefs Ingrid Einfeldt, Volker Büdts (both "Mensch Markus") or Holger Güttersberger (Berlin cabaret theater "Die Stachelschweine").
An evening full of taste explosions awaits you - prepared in the tradition of Jerry Lewis, Heinz Erhardt and Monty Python! Why settle for French fries when you can have a 12-course meal for the same money?
12-course menu for the same money? (Reservations are strongly advised!)


Admission: 32,05 Euro

Advance booking at the Tourist-Info Ribnitz, Am Markt 14, Tel. 03821 2201

If you have any questions about the event, please contact the Kulturhaus, Tel. 03821 2614.


Begegnungszentrum Ribnitz-Damgarten
Georg-Adolf-Demmler Straße 6
18311 Ribnitz-Damgarten


Zeitklang Event
14478 Potsdam
Telephone: +49 (30) 69209825

Your Event

Details at a glance
at 22.08.2023
Theatre & Stage
32,05 €